
  • Deal or No Deal: Graphing a Binary Rev Challenge

    This post will describe solving a challenge from BYU Capture the Flag 2024. The challenge was called Deal or No Deal and was in the rev category. A compiled Rust binary is provided. Binary Ninja wasn’t great at handling this sample, so I used Ghidra instead. Following the entry point...

  • Reversing a Broken Rust Binary

    This post describes reverse engineering a Rust binary from the rev section of TBTL Capture The Flag 2024. The challenge is named Safe Rust and provides a compiled Rust program. The challenge description indicates that the program “isn’t functioning properly”, and indeed when we run it we get the message...

  • Template Virtualisation Obfuscation

    Today I’ll be discussing an interesting challenge from the rev category of University of Maryland Capture The Flag 2024. The challenge is named Typecheck and is accompanied by the cryptic description “My C++ code won’t type check. Can you fix that for me?”. Two files are provided: main.cpp and templates.cpp....

  • Travel the Dunes with OCaml

    This post is a write up of the Travel the Dunes with OCaml challenge from the rev category of University of Maryland Capture The Flag 2024. The challenge provides a file, ocaml_executable and states that it is “a flag checker compiled and assembled from OCaml using ocamlopt”. Loading it into...