
Software engineer with 6+ years of experience in fast-paced environments, specializing in building scalable and performant systems. Proven track record of delivering customer-focused solutions, such as founding and leading two successful startups, including Ocule which was acquired in December 2023. Designed and implemented novel security solutions actively deployed on web platforms serving billions of users.

I currently work on client-side security, focusing on areas such as obfuscation, deobfuscation and bot mitigation. Previously I both developed and reversed engineered a variety of JavaScript obfuscators, including both traditional and virtualisation based obfuscation techniques. At Ocule, I designed and implemented the polymorphic client-side security defenses aimed at defending against automated fraud and abuse.

I have experience in binary reverse engineering and have written popular articles such as Using Symbolic Execution to Devirtualise a Virtualised Binary and Reversing VMCrack. Additionally I created vvm, a reversing challenge featuring VM obfuscation, which is currently live on HackTheBox.

My open source tools, including popular online deobfuscators such as and deobfuscator can be found on my GitHub.

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